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A Tiger Maple Classical / Federal Lyre Card Table with Gilt Mounts and Blocked Apron, Attributed to Micheal Bouvier or Contemporary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1815-1820

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This table retains its original brasses and most of the ivory turnings. It is considered the best of the Philadelphia lyre forms, as the bird's eye maple and tiger maple along the edges are extremely desirable. What makes this form very special is the blocked apron. Note the other examples. We also have, in our collection, the same form in plum pudding mahogany, also a highly desirable wood which is rarely used in Classical furniture. (See this item.)

This table is essentially identical to a table illustrated in The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, January 1988, (see below for the full scanned image from the Bulletin).   A complete scan of this issue of the Bulletin can be found online here:

H: 29”  W: 35 1/2”
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