A Cherry Queen Anne Tall Case Clock with Silver Dial, Rhode Island, Squire Millard, c.1750
This is a tall country clock was produced by Squire Millard, whose listing indicates he fought in the revolutionary war. The dial is a beautifully-engraved silver over brass, and indicates Millard resided in Warwick, which is about 10 miles South of Providence, RI.
The cherry has turned a beautiful lemon yellow/brown, and movement and case are original in every way. This clock came out of a local Rhode Island estate auction.
Squire Millerd
(1750 - 1820)
- Captain in Providence
& Kent Battalion, appointed Feb. 1780 (A militia
of 1200 men to serve within the state one month
and no longer and not to be marched out.)
- Captain Second Warwick
Company, appointed June 1780
- Captain Second Warwick Company, appointed June
Above items from Smith's "Civil & Military
Lists" vol. I pp.394, 391 & 406 respectively.
Last two items listed under "Squire Willard".
Millerd is buried in a private
graveyard in back of Millerd homestead in Cowesett.
House is on west side of main highway with wellcurb
on porch gavestone marked: "In memory of squire
Millerd, Esq., who departed this life Jan. 2d A.D.
1820 in the 70th year of his age. He steadfastly held
to the faith, and died in the hope of a blessed immortality."
On gravestone next to it: "In memory of Mrs.
Patience Millerd, wife of Squire Millerd, Esq., who
died Feb.14, 1830 in the 85th year of her age."
Height: 88 1/2 in. Width: 20 in. Depth: 11 in.
sw01304 - Inquire for Price