Cherry Connecticut Dishtop Candlestand, c.1780

This table retains an old, dry, crusty, dark surface throughout.  The top is composed of three boards, also sometimes seen in Newport tables,  is understandable as cherry, like walnut, is not typically found in wide lengths.  Interestingly, the cleat supports are fully mortised into the top with no screws and probably eplains why the top has stood the test of time.  Also, the top is a dishtop which was more costly to produce, as the entire top had to be turned with no margin for error.  The birdcage, further is crafted with turned supports, and interstingly, the cleats are notched to taper at its ends, again a trait often seen in Newport tables. Ergo this country table perhaps has a coastal Connecticut origin. 

Given the above bells and whistles, (i.e. dishtop, birdcage, et al), this would indicate this was a comparatively expensive provincial   table. The column is classic Connecticut as per these scanned examples, and the feet are restrained, often called a "snake foot" in the trade. All is in excellent condition, including probably its original wooden birdcage key.

Height: 28 1/2 in.  Diameter: 36 1/2 in. - 37 in.

sw00007 - SOLD