A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw02010

A Rare Mahogany Chippendale/Federal Corner Sideboard of Highly figured mahogany and Inlay, MA, c. 1800, Provenance, Israel Sack


For every 100 sideboards, perhaps one corner sideboard presents itself.  This rarity was handled by the premier Sack gallery in New York.  It is a rather small piece and composed of the most beautiful figured Cuban mahogany.  While it follows the Hepplewhite style with it’s square tapered legs, they are nevertheless substantial.   Overall, it has a presentation that belongs easily in a Chippendale or later federal collection.

The brasses are of the period, and there are no breaks or alterations whatsoever.   The attention to detail is subtle and fine, yet there.  See the molding at the base of the skirt.

This is the first of its type in almost 25 years, that we have acquired, and certainly a treasure in any collection of fine furniture.

Height: 39 3/4 in.  Width:53 in.
Length (along walls from corner) 38 in. 



(401) 272-3200

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