A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw01987

A Fine Classic Six Light English Brass Chandelier with Trammel, both c.1750

This is a desirable multi-candle holder; it is elegant, yet restrained and, being a period 18th century example with no repairs or alterations, it weighs a ton.  It was entirely cast from molds, as opposed to pressed metal.  Please see a related chandelier in the Herbert Schiffer’s famous Brass Book, commonly used for reference (see scan below).   Included with this chandelier is a trammel which completes a very substantial lighting fixture.    Trammels are hard to find, and quite practical, because they allow one to adjust hanging height within approximately a foot before a chain becomes necessary if the ceiling is very high.  We acquired two of these chandeliers, very slightly different from the same collection (see sw01991).

Height: 20 1/2″ in  Diameter: 24″
Trammel: 18″ – 32″


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