A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw01892

A Grand Figured Mahogany Chippendale George II Pembroke Table with Porringer top, Pierced Stretchers and Shaped Drawer Blade on Molded Chippendale Square legs, England, c.1780

This impressive Pembroke is large in scale, enough to accommodate four people that would enjoy seeing the great figured solid Cuban mahogany with rare porringer ends.  This table speaks of quality and development throughout.   For example, see the shaped drawer support; usually, this is simply square stock.  Further, the stretchers are open-pierced and extremely well formed relative to dimension.  Open-pierced work is the most desirable.  This table never had a finial over the central plinth as some do.  Please see the images below.  The stretchers, etc. are all original.  It is robustly designed.  The brass appears original and the leaves have double swing out shaped supports.  It’s simply the best for those that want the best. 

Height: 27 3/4 in.  Depth: 38 in. Width: 18 in. – 37 in.


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