A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw01691

An Inlaid Mahogany Hepplewhite Tambour Desk with Eagle, Massachusetts, c.1810


This is a beautiful inlaid tambour desk with a striking drawer design featuring a prominent central panel.
This desk is a period desk that has had restoration to its internal structure, but visually, it is complete.   There are historic shrinkage cracks on the side panels and some of the inlay is beautifully repaired.  The legs and all exterior parts are original with no breaks.  The backboards are old, period replacements.  It’s not for the purist, but it certainly has an impressive decorative look and is priced well under the value of a mint example.

Height: 44 in.  Width: 37 in.  Depth: 20 1/2 in.



(401) 272-3200

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