A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw01311

A Hepplewhite Satinwood Pembroke Table with Rosewood Inlay, England, c.1800/1810

This is a small-scale Hepplewhite table with glorious satinwood throughout that has mellowed through the years. It is in superb condition with its original casters. the satinwood is embellished with line inlay on top and crossbanded at the edges with rosewood and satinwood at the top. Line inlay is also used on the drawer and feet, the legs of which, interestingly, are all solid satinwood, which is rarely seen. At the top of each leg are beautiful rosewood inlays, also banded with line inlay.

This table is in pristine condition. It is delicate and fine: obviously cared for throughout the years, and we have had it French polished. The castors are original, and are beautifully fitted to the piece, a typical feature of this type.

Height: 29 in. Depth: 32 1/2 in. Length: 17 1/2 in. – 36 in.


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