A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw01236

A Diminutive Mahogany Ladies Secretary, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, c. 1800-10

The upper case of this small scale desk has a molded cornice above a
cross-banded frieze. Set into this frieze is inlaid stringing forming elongated
intertwining loops. The two glazed doors, formed of six panes each, are
medially divided, and the mullions of the upper section converge to form Gothic
arches. Behind the doors are two shelves with four small horizontal birch desk
drawers above pigeonhole letter slots. The front of the fold-down writing leaf
and lower case is veneered and cross-banding with birch inlay frames two false
drawers and the working drawer, the latter of which is opened by oval
Hepplewhite brasses.

The hinged writing leaf is in the form of a lap desk, which opens to reveal a
tooled leather writing surface. The case is supported by slender turned and
reeded legs, the upper portions of which are bulbous and taper to ring turnings
with elongated feet.

Related Images:
Bill of sale and description from Israel Sack,
Inc.: image of desk from American Antiques from Israel
Sack Collection, Vol. V.

Height: 64 ½ in. Depth: 31 in.


Seat Height:
Case Width:
Depth: 31 in

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