A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw01117

A Finely Carved Mahogany Chippendale Armchair, Ireland c.1780

This is a large side chair of magnificent form, size, and carving. It is composed of heavy dark mahogany with an old surface. Note the carving around the front seat rail, and the front legs. If this were not enough, the arms and arm supports are fully carved as is the entire backsplat, crest, etc. This chair is in perfect condition with no repairs or alterations. It is fit for a king. The seat has been reupholstered with silk.

We have a
related set of five Irish side chairs, reupholstered
in the same silk.

Height: 38 1/2 in. Width: 27 in.
Depth: 21 in.


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