A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw01067

A Mahogany Neoclassical Lyre Base Console Table, Philadelphia, circa 1810

This mahogany console table is a very rare form and possibly unique. The design develops a bowed front which is blocked and raised on a plafformed top with outset ring-turned corners. The top is supported by two brass-stringed lyres set on a platform which is decorated by a gilded figural tablet. The base is supported on four downswept saber legs ending in brass paw feet with castors.

This table is made of the finest mahogany veneers. It is embellished with brass line inlays throughout; the apron, which is segmented into three panels, the single panel on the platform base, (which also includes an elaborate face mount), and on the facings of the lyres and saber legs. Formerly in the William Randolph Hearst Collection.

Height: 37 1/2 in. Width: 47 1/2 in. Depth: 23 1/2 in.


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