A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw00722

A Classical Two-drawer Stand, carved, and of Various Woods, probably New York State, c.1830

This two-drawer stand makes a bold statement with a smorgasbord of wood types and extremely fine carving. Stylistically, this formidable piece is slenderized by the use of the stepped back lower drawer and the multi-faceted upper drawer.

The top of this casepiece is a single cherry board of clean, clear quality, which–given the nature of cherry–had to be carefully selected. The top is crossbanded with mahogany. The drawerfronts are figured above and bird’s eye maple below, accented on the lower drawer with a mahogany crossbanding. These drawers are flanked by four branch birch panels, each pair recessed, (see detail). Branch birch is very hard to find, and is generally used on the very finest formal pieces, so we were a bit surprised to see it used here. But then again, looking at everything else, it does make sense. The entire chest is supported by fabulous acanthus carved legs, which are interestingly terminated in a strongly horizontally fluted turning (shown in detail to the left). Also of note is that the back is finished, so that this piece can be used in the middle of a room, i.e. next to an armchair. Additionally of note is that the pulls are a milk-white sandwich glass of the period.

We have a related two-drawer stand of the same design motif albeit probably a little later, (see item #sw00184). The design formula, however, remains the same, and provides a good comparative reference.

This chest is about as good as it gets for a provincially inspired piece which evidences craftsmans’ quality evidenced in the very best of the period.

Height: 28 1/2 in. Width: 24 in. Depth: 19 1/4 in.


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