A nonprofit museum collection… a resource for the serious connoisseur, designer, and museums of fine 18th/19th century American Classical furniture.
Catalog Number: sw00702

A Cherry Serpentine Card Table with Long Drawer in First Surface, probably Connecticut, c.1800


This transitional table has the typical Chippendale serpentine shaped face with a drawer whose front is composed of solid cherry that is carved from a 4 inch thick log (see detail). The legs, however, are Hepplewhite in style, being long and tapered, and this is what we call a transitional table, going from an earlier period to a later, in style.

This table is in pristine condition bearing its original surface of which the cherry has turned to a rich deep brown. The brasses are the first and this table bares an old grunge type surface. While definitely a country or provincial piece, the workmanship is of the highest caliber. Of note are the drawer sides and the channeling on the top of the sides, which is an extra piece of work-not necessary, but often found on very high quality cabinetwork. The beautiful swelled front, echoed by the large overhung top, makes this piece a true treasure.

Height: 28 1/4 in.   Width: 36 in.  Depth: 17 3/4 – 35 1/2 in.



(401) 272-3200

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