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Catalog Number: sw00465

A Chippendale Mahogany Serpentine Tilt-Top Tea Table, MA, c. 1770-80


Colonial Tilt Top tables, tended, as a rule, to be round.  These were also produced in a square form, of which some, like this example, had serpentine edged “square” tops.  The top is of single board fine, closed-grain mahogany with a refined molded edge, and retains its original latch and catch with no repairs or restorations.  The mahogany has a mellow amber glow, and the legs are well-shaped with strongly defined claw and ball feet.  The claw and ball foot was an extra, the vast majority of these having a simple clubbed snake foot. 

It is closely related to a table shown in New England Furniture by Brock Jobe and Myrna Kaye.    See item #75b, where the “high end” model is shown with its particularly well-defined claw and ball feet reminiscent of Salem work. It is one of the best of its type.  Yet another comparison is illustrated in Furniture of Historic Deerfield by Dean A. Fales.  A third related table can be found in American Antiques from Israel Sack Collection,Vol. I.

Height: 27 1/2 in. Width: 32 in. Depth: 32 in.



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